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Replying to @eric

When you want to change its design :-)

eric eriksson 🇵🇸
Replying to @sashareushkin

but that happens several times an hour

Replying to @eric

It's simple, so it's already the next version and so on round and round :)

eric eriksson 🇵🇸

well shit. as I was "putting the finishing touches" on it, an idea for a totally different but possibly more attractive design concept violently entered my mind without warning so now I have to start over smh why am i like this

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @eric

As long as you're prepped for when that ~dream job~ comes around, you're good

J. Warhop
Replying to @eric

Jokes on you, it never is

Zach Shea
Replying to @eric

It’s done when you finish it

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @eric

WIP forever

David Luft
Replying to @eric

It can’t be known

Sean Patrick Forsythe
Replying to @eric

It never is, eventually you just stop.

Jake Dragash
Replying to @eric

When you can’t look at it anymore… but who am I to talk mine’s not done.

Akshara Dash
Replying to @eric

One mentality that helped me approach this is knowing that the portfolio is not a complete reflection of you or what ur capable of. It can evolve, change and should be a mirror to things that you’re passionate about/ have worked on and can act as a starting point to contact you:)