Posts, a community app by

Taras Savytskyi

Are there any alternatives to ProductHunt for launching small products?

Nick Noble
Replying to @taras

Define small?

Taras Savytskyi
Replying to @nickisnoble

Things like mobile or desktop apps made by one-two people. Products that aren’t aimed at millions of people. Niche products. Does this definition works?

Nick Noble
Replying to @taras

Yes, sorry I missed this notification! I’ve wanted to make a “certified organic” software directory for some time. Projects that are bootstrapped, by small teams, and don’t sell your data. @pketh has talked about this too, and has a great post about it! Are you making one?

Nick Noble
Replying to @taras… Cc @pketh

In Search of Organic Software
So over the last couple weeks, I’ve been talking to VCs and founders who have and haven’t taken VC to learn whether it makes sense for Kinopio. I don’t think it does.
Replying to @nickisnoble @taras

a directory sounds like an awesome idea. An organic producthunt without VCWare sounds like a great idea too: - find apps that won't be killed. Made by people who care about more than their exit $. - discover the next amazing idea, without the fake hype/noise

Replying to @nickisnoble @taras

would be down to help/contribute any way I can

Igor Lanko
Replying to @pketh @nickisnoble @taras

Same here! I’d be glad to help. ProductHunt ended for me in 2020.

Nick Noble
Replying to @igorlanko @pketh @taras

I have just the domain for this too, in my junk drawer 😅

Nick Noble
Replying to @igorlanko @pketh @taras

Going to scaffold this over the weekend hopefully and post a repo

Replying to @nickisnoble @igorlanko +2 others

Hey, this is actually a nice project. Please add Obsidian.

Nick Noble
Replying to @romiojoseph @igorlanko +2 others

Happy too, or DM me your email and you can post it

Replying to @nickisnoble @igorlanko +2 others

Already added. Thank you.

Taurean Bryant
Replying to @nickisnoble @igorlanko +2 others

We need some kind of "Certified Organic" svg sites can add to their footer if they want lol. Especially if it linked to something on as some kind of loose third-party verification.

Nick Noble
Replying to @taurean @igorlanko +2 others

I love that idea! Added mention of it:…

Better branding · Issue #21 · miniware/organic_software_directory
A nice icon exists for the site that can be used for a favicon, or profile links from other services We have a chosen color palette, especially a distinctive highlight color Ideally we continue to ...
Nick Noble
Replying to @taurean @igorlanko +2 others

(Trying to T up as many ways as I can for design-only posts-pals to contribute too if they like)

Nick Noble
Replying to @igorlanko @pketh @taras

**It's def an MVP** – I left the UI crunchy because I think that's the easiest place for posts peeps to contribute. So please fix it! Voting, invites, polish, & sustainability coming soon – with your help! PRs, discussions, and posts DMs wide open.

Replying to @nickisnoble @igorlanko +2 others

I like this design style. There was something like this a few years ago but that got acquired I think.

Taurean Bryant
Replying to @nickisnoble @igorlanko +2 others

extremely into this, sending my email over now 🫡

mør @mor
Replying to @nickisnoble @igorlanko +2 others