Hey all, I wanted to share a very bittersweet update here before we shared it anywhere else. First, the hard part — we’ve made the difficult decision to wind down Read.cv and Posts starting this month.
Serious question: what's the next best platform that captures the vibe of Posts (and Read) and has a similar audience?
I volunteer as tribute. 🙋 If you're interested, make yourselves know: tally.so/r/3EvVP4
Interest in Posts Replacement
I just registered posts.club, and added a link to your form on there. I'll be updating the site as community initiatives unfurl :)
Prob a good idea to add a multi choice role question (are you a designer, dev, etc)
That's a good point! Didn't want too much friction, but so long as I've got email addresses I can (and definitely will) gather more thoughts and feelers. ✨
go get em! i promise you this! i will use this platform like my life depends on it! this platform is the only social media that was safe and respectful.