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Justin Mabee

Portfolios are the bane of my existence. Getting a website to look nice on a website is just so hard. Strongly considering just putting like 4 case studies and being done.

Dexter Marks-Barber
Replying to @mabee

Why not just use CV as your portfolio? There’s projects, writing, and more

Justin Mabee
Replying to @willisenough @dexter

I would agree with this. My client base isn’t used to platforms like this, although hiring managers are. If I want more clients, they just look for portfolio. Not a CV (in my experience)

Dexter Marks-Barber
Replying to @mabee @willisenough

I wonder if hiding the “experience” section and showing the projects section would be enough perhaps. I know @andy has been working on a custom layout thing. ETA?

William M.
Replying to @dexter @andy @mabee

You can choose not to add your work experience and only add your projects and contact info!

Dexter Marks-Barber
Replying to @willisenough @andy @mabee
