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Dexter Marks-Barber
Replying to @mabee

Why not just use CV as your portfolio? There’s projects, writing, and more

William M.
Replying to @dexter @mabee

CV is an incredible all-in-one platform, and they are already experimenting with a portfolio-style page. However, I believe most designers still have that artist desire to express themselves somehow (but it's a great suggestion for what Justin is struggling with)

Justin Mabee
Replying to @willisenough @dexter

I would agree with this. My client base isn’t used to platforms like this, although hiring managers are. If I want more clients, they just look for portfolio. Not a CV (in my experience)

Dexter Marks-Barber
Replying to @mabee @willisenough

I wonder if hiding the “experience” section and showing the projects section would be enough perhaps. I know @andy has been working on a custom layout thing. ETA?

William M.
Replying to @dexter @andy @mabee

You can choose not to add your work experience and only add your projects and contact info!

Dexter Marks-Barber
Replying to @willisenough @andy @mabee


Replying to @mabee

I feel this, I was going to suggest laying everything out on figma to show your design skills but since youre a squarespace builder it probably does make sense to showcase something…in squarespace! Hope you can find a happy middle ground 🙏

Justin Mabee
Replying to @janeyswork

Yeah, it’s not easy to showcase it all! I went with a bit more of a case study style

Replying to @mabee

Looks dope as hell though. I know it’s a pain in the ass but it’s worth it because it’s the one place you get complete creative direction (within tooling constraints). Proud of you this is sick.

Justin Mabee
Replying to @janeyswork

Thank you so much. I’m hoping this new redesign gets more clients as things have really gone quiet this year.

Replying to @mabee

Companies and people are being ultra conservative—it isnt you! For a lot of people in design, we’re all waiting for the cycles to change.

Tyler 👋
Replying to @mabee

Send a PDF

Justin Mabee
Replying to @twanlass

Not the point. I’m trying to showcase my portfolio on my website.

Ted Goas
Replying to @mabee

As a hiring manager this is all I need.