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Brian Hinton
Replying to @jonhargreaves

It's difficult to imagine giving up my meticulous and personalized cold brew coffee-making routine.

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @briannhinton

Feel that! 😂 Once you land on a recipe you really enjoy it’s hard to switch to something new. This Japanese iced coffee recipe will definitely bring out some more fruity notes in the coffee.

Brian Hinton
Replying to @jonhargreaves

I am a dark roast lover that is always on the hunt for that chocolate caramel coffee flavor. Did you go down the Dalgona path ever?

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @briannhinton

Woah I’ve actually never tried a dalgona! 👀 It looks so tasty and I’d love to try it. From the recipes I’m seeing, it looks like I can make it using instant coffee?

Brian Hinton
Replying to @jonhargreaves

I have used Café Bustelo instant espresso coffee. It is a nice treat vs “coffee”.

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @briannhinton

That’s awesome! I’m going to get some instant coffee asap to make myself a dalgona. :) Thanks for the recommendation!

Brian Hinton
Replying to @jonhargreaves

I look forward to photos and reading your opinion.

Andy Chung
Replying to @jonhargreaves

bookmarked this and just made it, great recipe!

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @andy

Nice! Glad it turned out great. :) Which coffee did you end up using for the brew?

Andy Chung
Replying to @jonhargreaves

just some blue bottle beans (bright?) - but have a nice bag of hydrangea beans I’d like to try next though!

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @andy

Anything from Blue Bottle’s a solid choice for this recipe for sure. 👌🏻 I haven’t tried Hydrangea before! 👀 Going to get a bag from them when they update their stock this week.

Andy Chung
Replying to @jonhargreaves

@noahconk put me onto them! they roast near me in berkeley

Noah Conk
Replying to @andy @jonhargreaves

If you subscribe to their monthly, you get super small batch specialty beans.

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @noahconk @andy

Will definitely be subscribing! Thanks for this 🙏🏻

Noah Conk
Replying to @jonhargreaves

Try doubling the recipe so you have a longer bloom time for longer extraction. Then pour 100g to “flip” the bed of coffee for even extraction. (Save the other half in the fridge for later) I like to do 192°F/ 88.8°C works best with most medium roasts.

Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @noahconk

Nice! I’m trying this out next time I make an iced pour over 👌🏻

Andy Chung
Replying to @jonhargreaves


Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @andy


Replying to @jonhargreaves

Btw if you want to experiment all different extract ratio and timing, there’s a coffee calculator for that:…

‎Brewholic Ratio
‎The stand alone version of Brewholic’s calculator for you to make better coffee by choosing the right values between ratio, coffee and water.
Jon Hargreaves
Replying to @stevewang

This is rad! Experimenting with ratios is always a fun to try out on a new bag of coffee. :) I usually default to 1:16 for my brews.