Arc Raycast 1Password Telegram Spotify Currently trying out Capacities, trying to see how it could fit into my flow :)
I think it’s a little bit like Tana / Obsidian? I tried to use Tana for a month and it kind of confused me 🥴 I found Capacities a little more easier to absorb. I’m pretty new to this knowledge/note-taking thing. Just trying to adapt its system into mine :)
I hasn’t tried Tana, although someone else in this thread mentioned it. Obsidian I scratched the surface with. I totally understand though, I think an important thing for me now is trying to find something that is easy to share with others to see.
I’m a little intimidated with Obsidian! Although it’s just offline if I remember correctly :/ Testing a Capacities share link:…
I am too, I don’t ever know where to start with products/apps like that. That share link looks great! Looks like an easy way to share any kind of info you put in the app.
It’s an email client I believe. There might be more to it but they allow you to have the email address which people seem to want.
I use to use Cron as my main calendar but when I got my new job, they are all Microsoft/Outlook and sadly can’t use it with Cron 😩
This is the strangle hold ms has on the corporate kingdom. At least you can change the color of outlook and sorta pretend it’s cron
Totally agree. That and Teams are the apps we primarily use. Microsoft just feels clunky.
Feedbin is great. I’m testing a RSS feed app that one of the developers at Arc made and I’m liking it just as much in its beta stage.
I love it! Got my friends to join. I had a goal of expanding my inventory of feelings and understanding my adhd better. I use it several times a day. Also helps me know when its ok to check in w someone. Love how the share feature feels non-invasive, which i didnt expect
Wow, that’s great! Such a smart idea for an app, and by helping so many people too. I’m sure I could benefit from it, I’m going to try it now. Thank you!
It has helped friends who struggled feeling/identifying/sitting with their feelings, and allowed them to be more vulnerable. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!!
I was tempted to write out which one, but it changes with the seasons (at least for me) and ultimately, shouldn’t matter?
Agreed! They all have their unique qualities. Everyone likes different flavors on different days.
I hadn’t heard of Remind faster but looked it up and it seems I’ve been looking for something like that. Thank you!
Hazeover Magnet Arc Alfred Marvis (alt UX for Apple Music) Cron GPT et al. Homeassistant Shortwave Tana Signal
Gave Tana an honest, 2-month try, but couldn’t get its mental model to click with mine. What and how are you using it for?
Arc browser. Raycast. Apple Music. Bear. Proton mail. Spark mail